no complaints
Step into my office:

The first day back from vacation is usually a bitch.
I understand that in the cosmic scheme of things I have a pretty good gig, but the forced return to real life still isn't easy. Yet today, I actually looked forward to seeing how the gardens had fared in my absence. I even took my camera along in case a particularly pretty posy caught my eye.

There was some extra sweeping to be done, more deadheading than usual, and a good deal of staking. But hey, it's August and it had been two weeks since my last maintenance visit. Generally things looked pretty darn good, which I took as a sign of solid ground work. These are strong gardens, and I'm proud to be their caretaker.

And because I don't want to loose my newly acquired Photoshop skills quite's a panorama assembled from three shots of the garden and skyline.

excellent photoshop work. and, yes, i must say, in terms of jobs: yours is highly coveted.
Gorgeous! And nice job with your newly acquired Photoshop skills.
They look great! Soon you'll be able to photoshop in any plant! ;)
It looks magnificent! And that Rhus typhina 'Tiger Eyes' is especially fetching... and just the thing for this garden I was in today, so extra thanks for that idea, too.
Thanks Sara, I hope the one I gave you looks as good. The sumac I kept for myself was munched so often by the deer that I had to move it from ground level up onto the deck. I may have to put this plant into the category of hostas and tulips...deer fodder!
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