Foggy Photo Essay
More often than not, this is the debate that goes through my head as I prepare to leave the apartment in the morning:
Lazy Me: Nah, it's going to rain and besides I'm already carrying my VERY heavy tool bag PLUS plants.
Me: Yeah, but I'll be walking home through the park and I might see something cool...
Lazy Me: Forget it! I don't want to carry the extra bulk and weight.
So, this morning I did NOT carry my camera and it's the last time I'll let Lazy Me win an argument for a very long time. There was so much to shoot on the terrace where I was working, and all I had was my woefully inadequate iPhone. The resolution is low, you can't choose a focal plain, or fiddle with aperture. Very, very frustrating.
Especially on this misty morning when there was much that was alluring: tightly pleated, young Viburnum leaves, Amelanchier flowers heavy with rain, buds just starting to unfold on the Rosa rugosa. None of those pictures turned out well enough to post here (dammit!) but I offer these few to show you what's growing today in a rooftop garden on the Upper West Side.
Japanese maple leaves unfurl.
Boston ivy looks demure and manageable in early spring.
Next time I promise to bring my real camera.
hard to believe these picture could be any prettier ...can't wait to see what's next ..with your real camera.
hugs, Cherry
Wow, that Rhamnus looks weeks ahead of others I've seen! Everything looks crazy with newness and potential - and great photos anyway, I agree with Cherry.
Thanks Cherry and Sara, I think it's the young freshness of all this new growth that has me so excited!
Nice job even with the phone camera! It is exciting to see everything waking up for the season.
Next time is only a good start.
Never leave home without it.
Yes, Wiseacre, you are right! My camera has been my constant companion since that date.
Beautiful, resolution be damned! Those who say they hate New York are missing its hidden joys. And they've never been on an Acmeplant terrace.
Anybody want Heritage Red raspberry canes?!
but thank photo for the iphone, eh? who'da thunk it?!
I dig the pictures!
Like the internal discussion and you did get some interesting subjects.
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