storm sky
Last night, when Michael went out to start a fire for the lamb, he called in that I should look at the sky.

Shohola is far enough inland that we didn't feel much effect from the nor'easter (the storm formerly known as Ida), some high winds and a little mist. But there was no denying the preternatural pink tint to the sky.
Not normal.
But beautiful.
Ah care to to elaborate on the lamb any? All blog posts should start with someone, a fire, and a lamb.
South Africa is the land of lambs and fires, in the form of braaivleis.
Your sky was amazing. Here just wind wind wind.
I had to look up braaivleis...thanks for the new word.
We love lamb, and Michael bbqs year round, literally, in the snow. Last night was simple loin chops marinated in lemon juice, fresh rosemary, olive oil, and black pepper. Lamb cooked on the fire, and indoors I made a Greek eggplant/pepper casserole served over brown basmati rice. Leftover pumpkin spice cake (maple cream cheese frosting) for dessert.
Indeed a strange but beautiful sky. Michael's lamb reminds me I need to put in my CSA order for next weekend's delivery...
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