Saturday, May 22, 2010

What lies beneath the bottle tree?

a grove of Mayapples?

half way between flower and fruit

Dare I hope for a crop this year?

I do dare.


At May 22, 2010 at 12:15 PM , Blogger Marie said...

Did they make one last year?

At May 23, 2010 at 7:03 AM , Anonymous Leda Meredith said...

I dare, too. Mine are setting fruit, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up--they got this far last year, then the fruit dropped while still immature. Fingers crossed!

At May 23, 2010 at 10:18 AM , Blogger SaraGardens said...

Ooh, so beautiful! If they set fruit, will you save me some seed? I want to get some new DNA into my little population, so I can hope for fruit here, too... Great photos.

At June 9, 2010 at 10:10 PM , Blogger Russ Bedford said...

All fascinating. I stumbled on some older entries in your blog whist searching for info on milkweed florets. I ate some for the first time tonight and was quite pleased. I just steamed them with a little butter and salt, but they probably would have been fine on their own. You and I have both read The Forager's Harvest, which I think is great. I'm really sticking to my foraging guns this year. I usually get off of it once real produce is available, but this year I've made use of foraged morels, ramps, cattails shoots, milkweed shoots, and milkweed florets. I need to go collect some cattail pollen here soon. I'm starting to collect mulberries from the tree outside the hardware store where I work. It's all a lot of fun. I've seen mayapples on trailsides before, but I've never eaten one. How have you used them?

Also, check out my blog. I think you'll appreciate it.

At June 12, 2010 at 5:38 PM , Anonymous Dirty Girl Gardening said...

I've never grown these... very cool.

At June 19, 2010 at 11:49 PM , Blogger meemsnyc said...

I never heard of this champagne before but it does sound delicious!


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