Up high in the mountains, Where e'er I may roam...

Once upon a time there was a camp.
A woman (back then she was a girl) went to that camp and she loved it. She loved it so much that when she had girls she told them stories about it all the time. So they loved it too, before they ever saw it, and they wanted to go there when they were old enough. Which they did.

Many (MANY) years later, they all went together to visit the camp they loved, and found it much the same.
A lake with silky water, golden light, pitchy pines,

Wonderful post - and what a beautiful place!
You took me back to my own beloved camp in the NC mountains! It's reassuring that such places still exist and change so little.
Beautiful post. So great you could go there together.
What a wonderful weekend - what grand new memories!
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